teta changelogs


teta Changelogs

VERSION 3.6.2 – (11.30.2024)

1- Fixed: fatal error due to yith wishlist plugin upgrade
2- Fixed: fatal error while using stock availability bar option in some cases
3- Fixed: swatches issue in some rtl languages
4- Fixed: dependency issue while loading some scripts
5- Improved:some php warning notices in php 8.3
6- Improved: wooCommerce 9.4.2 compatibility checked
7- Improved: some minor css issues
8- Improved: rtl styles

VERSION 3.6.1 – (16.10.2024)

1. Improvement: compatibility check with WooCommerce 9.3.3
2. Fixed: mini cart widget in header does not work properly in some cased
3. Fixed: an issue with height of recently viewed products in single product page fixed
4. Fixed: Minor CSS bugs.

VERSION 3.6 – (12.09.2024)
1. Fixed: Removing the Elementor waypoint library caused our script not to load properly
2. Fixed: Minor CSS bugs.

VERSION 3.5.3 – (03.09.2024)

1. Fixed: Issues with the Off-canvas Filterbar scrolling and displaying filters.
2. Fixed: Occasional problems with opening the Off-canvas cart bar.
3. Fixed: Issue where adding a variation product to the cart sometimes mistakenly cleared the entire cart.
4. Fixed: Minor CSS bugs.

VERSION 3.5.2 – (25.08.2024)
1. Improved: Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.2.2
2. Fixed: read more reloads repeated posts issue on blog posts page
3. Fixed: double compare button in single product page issue
4. Fixed: some PHP warning notice
5. Fixed: some minor CSS bugs

VERSION 3.5.1  – (18.08.2024)

1. Added: option for hide/show Out of stock products price.
2. Improved: compatiblity with woocommerce 9.1.4
3. Fixed: Minor CSS bugs

VERSION 3.5 – (07.07.2024)

1. Improved: compatiblity with woocommerce 9.0.2
2. Fixed: some php warning notice
3. Fixed: Minor CSS bugs

VERSION 3.4.2 – (05.06.2024)

1.Improved: Compatibility with WooCommerce 8.9.1
2.Fixed: an issue with product images while importing demo
3.Fixed: cookie bar consent shows even if the user accept cookies
4.Fixed: add deselect action in icons popup

VERSION 3.4.1 – (21.05.2024)

1. Improved: Compatibility with WooCommerce 8.8.3
2. Improved: Improve instagram widget by loading its style and script when its required and also adding options to manage columns in reponsive devices
3. Improved: rtl style
4. Improved: improve admin dashboard style in rtl sites
5. Improved: improve demo installer
6. Improved: Improve button widget and add responsive alignment option
7. Improved: add 1 column option for woocommerce products in tablet (Pro Feature)
8. Improved: improve performance while using add to cart elementor widget (Pro Feature)
9. Improved: improve performance while using hotspot elementor widget (Pro Feature)
10. Improved: improve performance while editing the metabox of pages
11. Fixed: blog sidebar issue in responsive
12. Fixed: double rating issue in elementor editor
13. Fixed: double title in elementor editor issue

VERSION 3.4.0 – (13.03.2024)

1. Improved: overall performance
2. Improved: Compatibility check with WordPress 6.5.2
3. Improved: Compatibility with WooCommerce 8.7
4. Improved: Compatibility with Elementor 3.21
5. Fixed: php warning notice of undefined variable

VERSION 3.3.0 – (13.03.2024)

1. Improved: Enhanced page loading speed.
2. Improved: Ensured RTL compatibility.
3. Fixed: Resolved an issue related to an undefined index PHP warning.
4. Fixed: Minor CSS bugs.

VERSION 3.2.0 – (21.02.2024)

1. Improved: compatibility with WordPress 6.4.3
2. Improved: compatibility with WooCommerce 8.6
3. Improved: compatibility with Elementor 3.19
4. Improved: RTL Compatibility
5. Added: show variations number badge on product cards – ( PRO Version )
6. Fixed: double compare button issue in single product page

VERSION 3.1.0 – (20.11.2023)

1. Improved: compatibility with WordPress 6.4.1
2. Improved: compatibility with WooCommerce 8.3
3. Improved: compatibility with Elementor 3.17.3
4. FIXED: PHP warning notice while using deal count down timer on product cards
5. FIXED: Fatal error in search functionality in some cases
6. FIXED:strip html tags issue in product metabox options in editor inputs
7. FIXED: product cards not showing when enabling promobar option
8. FIXED: PHP warning notice due to compatibility with WooCommerce HPOS feature
9. FIXED: bullet navigation style issue in product details page when using full-width image slider at top of page

VERSION 3.0.4 – (25.10.2023)

1. Improved: Compatibility with woocommerce HPOS
2. Improved: testimonial Elementor widget
3. Improved: contact form 7 Elementor widget

VERSION 3.0.3 – (18.09.2023)

1. Added: New demo for electronics store 1 – https://teta.kitestudio.co/electronics-store-1/
2. Added: Page meta options in Elementor
3. Improved: Style of checkout and my account pages
4. Improved: Style of login form on my account page and popup form
5. Improved: Compatibility with Dokan Pro plugin and its request for quote module
6. Improved: Compatibility with WooCommerce 7.7
7. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

VERSION 3.0.2 – (26.08.2023)

1. Improved: Multi-vendor pages style
2. Fixed: Swiper navigation not working in single post and recently viewed products
3. Fixed: Minor CSS bugs

VERSION 3.0.1 – (09.08.2023)

1. Improved: instagram functionality in single product page
2. Improved: compatibility with elementor 3.15 and remove undefined variable warning notice
3. Fixed: unremovable theme upgrade notice issue
4. Fixed: responsive grid issue in rtl responsive devices

VERSION 3.0 – (07.08.2023)
01. Added: Quick image Importer – unsplash – https://youtu.be/aIRrHxXKZAk
02. Improved: compatibility with WordPress 6.3
03. Improved: Swiper library upgraded to v8
04. Improved: removed notices in theme settings page
05. Improved: compatibility with elementor 3.15
06. Notice: kitestudio pro tools plugin upgraded to v2
07. Notice: kitestudio core plugin upgraded to v2.5
08. Fixed: Minor CSS bugs

VERSION 2.3 – (28.07.2023)

01. Improved: WooCommerce version 7.9 compatibility
02. Improved: inimum php version raised to version 7.3 due to WooCommerce minimum php version requirement
03. Fixed: Fatal error at the beginning of installing pro tools plugin if WooCommerce is not active
04. Fixed: empty cart markup issue
05. Fixed: bottom sticky navigation doesn’t show if elementor pro plugin is active
06. Fixed: fatal error in search page in some cases
07. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

VERSION 2.2 – (14.07.2023)

01. Improved: Compatibility with new version of redux plugin
02. Fixed: Placeholder image loading issue in Ajax search
03. Fixed: SKU search not working well for product variation in Ajax search
04. Fixed: SKU search not working well for product variation in search page
05. Fixed: Undefined variable PHP notice in some cases
06. Fixed: Overflow issue in product gallery in some cases
07. Fixed: WooCommerce filters count number issue
08. Fixed: tinymce editor data saving issue in product metaboxes
09. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

VER 2.1.3 – (20.06.2023)

01. Added: Social login options for Facebook – https://youtu.be/UiZGpaJlJ50
02. Added: Social login options for Google – https://youtu.be/Psk5kf4xl7Q
03. Added: Social login options for Microsoft – https://youtu.be/S7v8NVQyhNE
04. Improved: Compatibility with WooCommerce 7.7
05. FIXED: Fatal error on websites without Elementor
06. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

VER 2.1.1 – (17.05.2023)
01. Added: Page meta options in Elementor
02. Improved: Style of checkout and my account pages
03. Improved: Style of login form on my account page and popup form
04. Improved: Compatibility with Dokan Pro plugin and its request for quote module
05. Improved: Compatibility with WooCommerce 7.7
06. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

VER 2.0.6 – (05.04.2023)

01. ADDED: Add to cart button Elementor widget.
02. IMPROVED: checkout and my account pages Style
03. IMPROVED: Social Login Style
04. FIXED: Header and footer not showing in multilanguage sites built with Polylnag
05. FIXED: Wrong post media size on the blog archive page
06. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

VER 2.0.3 – (21.02.2023)

01. ADDED: New blog style
02. IMPROVED: Compatibility check with woocommerce 7.4
03. FIXED: PHP 8.1 compatility issue
04. FIXED: remove deprecated hook elementor notice
05. REMOVED: Unneeded compare template
06. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

VER 2.0.3 – (21.01.2023)

01. IMPROVED: Typewriter widget
02. FIXED: Color picker issue in dashboard widgets page
03. FIXED: Elementor Deprecated notice
04. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

VER 2.0.0 – (27.11.2022)

01. ADDED: New Demo Electronics store 1 – https://teta.kitestudio.co/electronics-store-1/
02. ADDED: New Demo Electronics store 2 – https://teta.kitestudio.co/electronics-store-2/
02. ADDED: New Demo Electronics store 3 – https://teta.kitestudio.co/electronics-store-3/
04. IMPROVED: Search functionality uses the “Out of stock visibility” option in woocomerce setting to show the out-of-stock product in the search result.
05. FIXED: Boxed Item dependency issue in mega menu
06. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

VER 1.6.5 – (1211.2022)

01. IMPROVED: Work woocoemrce elements with “Out of stock visibility” option in woocomerce setting
02. IMPROVED: Woocommerce 7.1.0 compatibility check
03. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

VER 1.6.4 – (30.10.2022)

01. ADDED: typewriter widget
02. IMPROVED: Ajax products tab widget – Vertical tab Style
03. IMPROVED: Ajax products tab widget – Tab and subtitle option
04. FIXED: Preloader RTL logo issue in responsive
05. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

VER 1.6.2 – (27.09.2022)

01. FIXED: Change menu label for better ux
02. FIXED: Remove product availability progressBar in grouped products
03. FIXED: PHP notice warning in 404 and archive pages
04. FIXED: Single product page – Sticky Gallery style issue in some cases
05. FIXED: crop image issue in mega menu
06. FIXED: 404 image not showing
07. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

VER 1.6.1 – (19.09.2022)

01. ADDED: Add fixed sidbar option for blog and blog pages
02. IMPROVED: Woocommerce 6.9+ compatibility check
03. IMPROVED: Dynamic container size slider has 5px step now, to have better ux ( option in theme setting )
04. FIXED: Hide promobar and popup newsletter in comming soon page
05. FIXED: update RTL Mega menu styles
06. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

VER 1.6 – (29.08.2022)

01. IMPROVED: Woocommerce 6.8 compatibility check
02. IMPROVED: Mega menu style and functionality
03. ADDED: Fullwidth option for menu dropdown
04. ADDED: “Always Open” option for toggle menu
05. ADDED: Boxed item feature for mega menu
06. ADDED: background color feature for mega menu
07. ADDED: fade-in animation for blog element
08. FIXED: load relevant header and footer in multi-language sites
09. FIXED: Carousel not showing in Elementor editor
10. FIXED: image size issue in shop archive pages
11. FIXED: PHP 8 compatibility issue
12. FIXED: load light-gallery library when required

VER 1.5.5 – (31.07.2022)

01. ADDED: option to display offcanvas Menu style from left or right
02. IMPROVED: Sanitize input data from menu options to improve security
03. FIXED: Carousel issue while dragging
04. FIXED: Breadcrumb style issue in responsive devices
05. FIXED: Style issue in the product description
06. FIXED: Topbar shop widgets don’t work properly in PHP 8
07. FIXED: Stock availability progress bar issue on product cards
08. FIXED: change some option position in theme settings
09. FIXED: Improve RTL style
10. FIXED: Woocommerce notice style issue in my account page
11. FIXED: Undefined progress bar function
12. FIXED: Extra space in mobile when using built-in headers
13. FIXED: Improve checkout form login style
14. FIXED: Countdown timer not working properly on product cards
15. FIXED: Inline styles loading issue
16. FIXED: woocommerce list view style
17. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

VER 1.5.4 – (12.07.2022)

01. ADDED: Add option to enable or disable rating in products widget
02. ADDED: Add option to disable redux template library
03. IMPROVED: Disable quantity change in mini cart when stock quantity is only one
04. IMPROVED: Banner widget and fix bugs related to it
05. FIXED: Countdown timer is not working on product cards
06. FIXED: blog style issue in responsive
07. FIXED: Remove row overlay and fix bug related to it
08. FIXED: Better escaping categories description
09. FIXED: Change navigation label to menu
10. FIXED: Quick view style not loading
11. FIXED: Top shop widgets doesn’t work properly
12. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

VER 1.5.2 – (21.06.2022)

01. IMPROVED: Woocommerce 6.6.0 compatibility check
02. FIXED: Skip skeleton style in elementor editor page
03. FIXED: Image size issue when using skeleton style
04. FIXED: Instagram images not showing in some cases
05. FIXED: sShop page bg issue fixed
06. FIXED: Mobile column issue for woocommerce products fixed

VER 1.5 – (14.06.2022)

01. IMPROVED: Compatibility with our new core plugin
02. IMPROVED: compatibility with elementor pro theme builder
03. FIXED: cart badge color issue fixed
04. FIXED: product image size issue
05. FIXED: counterbox, piechart, animated text and lookbook popup reveal widget style not working well when setting to load style when required
06. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

VER 1.4.1 – (24.05.2022)

01. ADDED: Product card skeleton style in shop pages
02. IMPROVED: Woocommerce 6.5.1 compatibility check
03. IMPROVED: Instagram functionality
04. IMPROVED: Improve loader style in shop
05. IMPROVED: change Code for better perfomance and speed in shop page
06. FIXED: Product image not showing in single product image
07. FIXED: Product skeleton style issue in dark styles
08. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

VER 1.4 – (11.05.2022)

01. IMPROVED: Woocommerce 6.5.0 compatibility check
02. IMPROVED: PHP 8 compatibility check
03. PERFORMANCE: Add “skeleton loader” functionality on product elements to have better performance and speed
04. ADDED: large image size option for banner widget
05. ADDED: New header templates.
06. FIXED: lazyload image issue and console error while header or footer build with Elementor pro
07. FIXED: load shop scripts in woocommerce archive pages
08. FIXED: Fatal error in shop page in screen sizes.
09. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

VER 1.3.11 – (27.04.2022)

01. IMPROVED: The language switcher element shows activated languages on Polylang and WPML plugins
02. FIXED: Image variation swatch style not showing in some cases
03. FIXED: Footer & header templates are not editable when Elementor pro is activated.

VER 1.3.9 – (11.04.2022)
01. ADDED: Add option to set woocommerce ajax variation threshold
02. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

VER 1.3.8 – (29.03.2022)

01. FIXED: Product cart styles on archive page
02. FIXED: Shop extended categories header
03. FIXED: Shop filter widgets when “Load Js when required” option is Enable
04. FIXED: Shop filter widgets when “Load Js when required” option is Enable
05. FIXED: Shop pagination when “Load Js when required” option is Enable

VER 1.3.6 – (15.03.2022)

01. IMPROVED: Woocommerce 6.3 compatibility check
02. ADDED: New Demo Electronics Tiles 2 – https://teta.kitestudio.co/electronics-tiles-2/
03. IMPROVED: RTL styles
04. FIXED: Quick view styles not loading when set to load all styles
05. FIXED: Instant shop shop 2 column style in mobile
06. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

VER 1.3.5 – (06.03.2022)

01. FIXED: Reorder variable images in single product page
02. FIXED: Compare button issue in responsive
03. FIXED: load products style in cart page and wcmp vendor page when set to load style when it’s required
03. FIXED: Escape woocommerce sidebar in wcmp vendors page

VER 1.3.4 – (24.02.2022)

01. IMPROVED: RTL style in admin pages
02. FIXED: Cookies bar not showing
03. FIXED: Newsletter not showing issue
04. FIXED: child theme style issue after upgrading to our new major release
05. FIXED: unexpected automatic scroll in shop pages in some cases
06. REMOVED: unneeded featured column in posts, pages and products tabel

VER 1.3.3 – (14.02.2022)

01. IMPROVED: Woocommerce 6.2 compatibility check
02. FIXED: Some CSS issue regarding newsletter element
03. FIXED: Some RTL issues
04. FIXED: Child theme dependency issue fixed
05. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

VER 1.3.2 – (05.02.2022)

01. FIXED: JS files not loading when woocommerce or elementor is not active
02. FIXED: username label not showing in register form of woocommerce
03. FIXED: unscaped html output in meta header
04. FIXED: Showing empty red box notice in some cases
05. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

VER 1.3.1 – (30.01.2022)

01. ADDED: New Demo Electronics Tiles – http://teta.kitestudio.co/electronics/electronics-tiles-shop/
02. UPDATED: Kt pro tools 1.6
03. IMPROVED: Compatibility with wcmp plugin
04. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

VER 1.3 – (23.01.2022)

01. IMPROVED: Woocommerce notice restyle
02. FIXED: loader animation style issue
03. FIXED: Tablet and mobile woocommerce products widgets style issue
04. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

VER 1.2.4 – (15.01.2022)

01. IMPROVED: Woocommerce 6.1.0 compatibility check
02. PERFORMANCE: Advanced CSS loading For every page – Split CSS option on theme setting
03. ADDED: header and footer builder included in the lite pack
04. Fixed: Product gallery carousel autoplay issue
05. Fixed: Woocommerce placeholder image not showing in some cases
06. Fixed: Bad load style while loading products in 2column in responsive
07. Fixed: loader style issue fixed
08. Fixed: Double filters in responsive devices bug
09. Fixed: Sticky header style
10 Fixed: facebook share button not showing the image inside facebook profile
11. Fixed: XSS issue in search element
12. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

VER 1.2.3 – (20.12.2021)

01. ADDED: New Demo fashion store – ttps://teta.kitestudio.co/fashion-carousel/
02. PERFORMANCE: Remove prettyPhoto dependency from yith wcwl scripts
03. FIXED: Bad load style in mobile for 2column products widget
04. FIXED: Favicon not showing in lite pack
05. FIXED: Badge option in products widget doesn’t work properly when product style is info on hover
06. FIXED: Display price of product variations with and without tax on shop page
07. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

VER 3.2.5 – (20.12.2021)

01. PERFORMANCE: Remove prettyPhoto dependency from yith wcwl scripts
02. FIXED: Badge option in products widget doesn’t work properly when product style is info on hover
03 FIXED: Display price of product variations with and without tax on shop page
04. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

VER 1.2.2 – (13.12.2021)

01. ADDED: New Demo kids Store – https://teta.kitestudio.co/kids/
02. PERFORMANCE: load minify version of icomoon
03. PERFORMANCE: add option to disable wc block styles
04. IMPROVED: Add border to color variations so that white color variation show better
05. FIXED: woocommerce notice error style issue on single product
06. FIXED: dokan style issue
07. FIXED: Vendor page in wc marketplace plugin not showing

VER 1.2.1 – (05.12.2021)

01. PERFORMANCE: Advanced JS loading For every page – Split Js option on theme setting
02. FIXED: Single product page sold individually option
03. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

VER 1.2 – (28.11.2021)

1. Fixed: wishlist issue in product cards
2. Fixed: popup newsletter issue
3. Fixed: replace .help urls with .co/support

VER 1.1.4  – (21.11.2021)

1. IMPROVED: Woocommerce 5.9 compatibility check
2. PERFORMANCE: Add option to Disable Emoji Scripts
3. PERFORMANCE: Add option to Disable Disable Gutenberg Styles
4. PERFORMANCE: Add option to Disable Yith Dependent Scripts
5. PERFORMANCE: Add option to Disable Elementor Font Awesome
6. Fixed: Custom fonts issue on Elementor pro
7. Fixed: Countdown timer shows when sale date not arrived yet

VER 1.1.3 – (25.10.2021)

1. PERFORMANCE: Add option to select google font display type
2. PERFORMANCE: Add page metabox to load the custom page for mobile
3. PERFORMANCE: Improve banner code to include srcset in images

VER 1.1.2 – (10.18.2021)

ADDED: RTL demo Dummy data
Fixed: undefined variable php notice
Fixed: Widgetized footer fullscreen issue

05/10/2021 – Version 1.1.1

FIXED: Product carousel columns in tablet
FIXED: RTL css issues in responsive devices

01/10/2021 – Version 1.1

ADDED: New Demo – RTL – https://teta.kitestudio.co/rtl
ADDED: New Demo – Electronics – https://teta.kitestudio.co/electronics/
THEME SETTINGS: Add fullwidth/container layout option
PERFORMANCE: page load not wait for All JS file load
IMPROVED: change width of variation dropdown to fit all contents
FIXED: Buy now button issue fixed for simple products
FIXED: Prevent jump while stretching the sections
FIXED: Double click issue on some product cards

02/09/2021 – Version 1.0