Hi I just bought your pinkmart theme this week. I like with the design. But when I try to install buddypress, it seems that your theme is not compatible with it.
After installing buddypress and then I go to : WP Admin pannel > Settings >> Buddypress…, under “Components” Tab, the “Save Settings” button is missing.
Could you please solve this issue because my website will depend on buddyress. Thanks
Hi mate, Thank you for contacting us
Could you please send your website URL and WordPress login information to check it properly ?
please note that check “set as private replay”Thank you for your reply. I had create an admin for you. The link to admin panel:
Username: kitestudio
Password: admin123It’s just a test website, so you can do anything with it.
hi awan,
we solved the issue in your website and this issue Will be fixed in next update
please check it and give us feedback
RegardsHi Admin, the problem is still there. Please check the attachment to see it.
And sorry out of topic: In this forum I saw a good feature “Set as private reply”. Could you please tell me how to have this feature? Thanks
Hi mate, We check your website Again
seems you need to clear browser cache to see the change effect
please load your browser with CTL+F5Check it again and give us feedback
tnxHi admin, thank you the problem is solved. Now there is another problem need to be solved also.
In mobile version, the theme has an issue for ajax login.
So, when I click the user icon to login, the login pop up is out of normal screen. I should scroll down the screen to see the login pop up. It’s not a good UI & UX.
Please kindly fix the issue. Thank you.
Hi again,
yes seems its login pop-Up error in some android devices, I report this issue to our developer to fixed in the next updateRegards
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