I want to pull up mega menu left and right side.
How can i do that?
Do you have any suggestion for mega menu full width?Hello again
I want to edit the JavaScript file. Which application or library I will convert the file I edited to min.js.
The code I want to change/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Navigation /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ nav: function () { var self = this; if (self.windowWidth <= 1140) return; var $checkFixed = self.$ktheader.attr("data-fixed"); // Check menu fixed option is enable (1) or disable (0) var $menuItem = $('.navigation > ul li.menu-item-has-children'); $menuItem.each(function () { var $menuWrapper = $(this).find('.menu-item-wrapper'), $secondlevelItems = $menuWrapper.find('> ul > li'), $rightOffset = 0;//store the offset of megamenu from right side of screen if ($(this).hasClass('mega-menu-parent')) { $menuWrapper.find('.special-last-child').closest('.menu-item-wrapper').addClass('has-special-last-child'); $menuWrapper.width($secondlevelItems.length * $secondlevelItems.eq(0).outerWidth()); $menuWrapper.height($menuWrapper.find('> ul').height()); $menuWrapper.css('margin-left', '');//Reset margin-left to calculate correct position var $rightOffset = self.windowWidth - ($menuWrapper.offset().left + $menuWrapper.outerWidth()); if ($rightOffset < 0) { $menuWrapper.css('margin-left', $rightOffset); // cause mega menu be in window } if ($menuWrapper.parents('.catmenu').length != 0) { if ($menuWrapper.find('> ul').height() < $('nav.catmenu').height()) { $menuWrapper.height($('.category-menu-container').height() - 40); $menuWrapper.find('li.has-bg').height($('.category-menu-container').height() - 40); } } } else { var $subMenuWidth = $(this).find('> ul').eq(0).outerWidth(); var $rightOffset = self.windowWidth - ($(this).offset().left + $subMenuWidth); if ($rightOffset < $subMenuWidth) { $(this).addClass('left-submenus'); } } if ($(this).parents('.catmenu').length != 0) { var $menu_height = $(this).parents('.catmenu').siblings('.allcats').width(); if (self.windowWidth > 1140) { var $left = parseInt($menu_height) + parseInt($(this).parents('.catmenu').siblings('.allcats').css('marginLeft').replace('px', '')); if ( $('body').hasClass('rtl') ) { $menuWrapper.css('right', $left); } else { $menuWrapper.css('left', $left); } if (!$(this).hasClass('mega-menu-parent') && $(this).parents('.mega-menu-parent').length == 0) if ( $('body').hasClass('rtl') ) { $(this).find('> ul.sub-menu').css('right', $left); } else { $(this).find('> ul.sub-menu').css('left', $left); } } } });
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